Taiyari comes from the Huichol language and translates into English as our heart. The Huicholes are an indigenous people from the State of San Luis Potosi. They were, and still are, highly respected as exceptional healers and shamans. Currently there are 20,000 native huichol speakers who currently live in three community centers in Jalisco. They are said to have an amazing knowledge of medicinal plants. We recently learned some LDS scholars believe the Huicholes are one of the few group of pure Nephites left.
Arhirani comes from the P'urhépecha language and translates into English as the Director. The P'urhépecha are an indigenous people from the State of Michoacán. They were, and still are, highly respected as coppersmiths. Currently there are 100,000 native P'urhépecha speakers. They are said to have an amazing knowledge of metal working. They were known by the Nahuas as Michhuàquê which translates into English as those who had fish. It is the Nahuatl name Michhuàquê that lead to the name of the State of Michoacán.