Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I am so tired of people trying to convince me that Barack is the Anti-Christ. Please, please, please, do some research, which at the very least should be to read the Book of Revelation, before you assume that some illegitimate email prophecy, that does not exist in any book of scripture, is truth. By doing so you will avoid the embarassment of telling another individual, "the Apostle John wrote in the Book of Revelation that the Anti-Christ will be a man in his forties of Muslim descent who will decieve the nations with persuasive language and a massive Christ-like appeal that the people will flock to him as he promises false hope and world peace until when he is in power he will ultimately destroy everything," when in fact the Apostle John never wrote any such thing.

In fact the Apostle John never even used the word Anti-Christ when he wrote the Book of Revelation. The term Anti-Christ is only used six times in the LDS canon of scripture. A thorough reading of those six verses establish that in order for a person to qualify as an Anti-Christ they MUST preach that Jesus is not the Christ. Maybe I missed it, but I don't remember hearing Barack's "There is no Christ" stump speech.

Disagree with Barack's policies, disagree with those who support him, even take it as far as saying you think it is a mistake in judgment for someone to support Barack. But do not tell me that because I believe Barack Obama is better equipped to lead this country than John McCain that I have given my allegiance to an Anti-Christ. If you do, you also tell me, that I have denied my Savior, the True and Living Chirst. To that I take great offense, for I have NOT, nor will I in the future deny that Jesus is the Christ. Do not confuse your disagreements with the President of the United States with my faith and relationship with my Savior and Redeemer.

1 comment:

Marco Brown said...

Dude, I want to see these emails your getting, Carl. I've heard people go at Barack hard (for good reason), but not for being an anti-Christ. That's just silly.